Home EXPERIENCE the Caribbean

EXPERIENCE the Caribbean

The Caribbean – A unique experience! The Caribbean is more than just sun and beaches! We offer tasty food, great rum, loads of fun attractions and activities, notwithstanding - we are warm people who will most times share a smile with you. The Caribbean is an archipelago of islands of varied sizes located in the Caribbean Sea in a ‘C’ curve starting south of Florida to the north of Venezuela. We are sunny and hot (most times), and open for business all year-round. For the most part, you come in out of the cold to thaw, unwind, relax, and take a peek at how others of a different culture live.

In addition there are loads of activities to experience. There are varying levels of hiking through high mountainous volcanic terrain to lower-level hillsides and plateaus. Of course you may swim in our glorious waters bordered with different hues of white sand, pink sand, and glorious sparkling black sand. Sailing is reportedly the best in the world by renowned sailors who visit our regattas throughout the Caribbean, year after year, and the fishing supplies the best seafood found in all of our restaurants. We offer great diving too.

To highlight all of the Caribbean, we will be featuring each island separately over the upcoming months. We hope that you take this exciting journey with us. There is something for everyone in the Caribbean, on one island or on a multi-island vacation trip to experience it all.